A Conversation on Travel Services – Part 1

by Egi Gaisie

Travel Services is a noble profession as it involves helping people explore new destinations, experience different cultures, and create lasting memories.

Overall, a career in travel services offers a unique blend of challenges, opportunities, and rewards that make it a fulfilling and exciting profession.

I invite you to delve right into the first of a series of conversations to follow.

Host: I got excited when I read your profile; trained as a nurse, went to a school of fashion, while working as a registered nurse, you got yourself into the travel industry. It confirmed my belief there’s a place for everyone in our cherished industry of which travel is dependent on, only if they are ready to learn!

What is your general opinion on this?

Guest: I agree totally with you. You can be whatever you desire to be. You must stay focused though. Sometimes faith is at work too, especially when you happen to be at the right place at the right time.

Host: I’m sure we will get a better understanding of being at the right place at the right time and the essence of faith as your story unfolds.  You may have been following my conversation with Madam Gloria Wilkinson Mensah, who I knew as a hospitality professional but went into aviation and now serves as the Country Manager of South African Airways.

To appreciate the significance of personality in making career choices, tell us a little about yourself when you were growing up.

 Guest: I spent my first three years with my aunty and at age four, was sent to live with my grandparents and mother. It was fun for me because l was smart and mischievous. I stood my ground in challenging situations; I was living in a big house with many people brought to my grandparents for training. In the absence of my grandparents, if any issue cropped up, they would question the older ones and if ‘GeePaa’ was not satisfied, he would ask for me and nothing but the truth was revealed.

I stood up for the truth, was caring, and ever ready to experience something new. I took life as an adventure from that early age, I remember my Gee Paa and Maa always saying,’ Oh Tee you should have been a boy!” Behaving as a tomboy, I was dressed as such, in shorts and tee shirt. It was only on Sundays that l wore a dress till l went to class 1.

Host: You were adventurous and committed to integrity, a trait which caused your grandfather to trust you. What were your interests when you were growing up?

Guest: Reading, football, swimming, dancing and singing.

Host: I see. You found pleasure and personal fulfillment in these activities. I’m not sure if you knew then that these activities promote personal growth-building your self-confidence,     discipline and a sense of accomplishment. Tell me the story behind this picture below.

The team gold and silver in freestyle and breathstroke in the African games

Guest: I was in the Akosombo school’s swimming team which participated in the African Games in 1972/’73. The team won gold and silver in free style and breaststroke in the games.

Host: This is great! Now I can boast of knowing someone who participated in a highly competitive regional (African) sports, representing Ghana. How long did you pursue nursing as a career?

Guest: I worked as a nurse in the UK for 4 to 6 months a year for two years.

Host: So that would be maximum, one year. Do you regret not pursuing nursing or using the technical skills you acquired in the fashion school you also attended?

Guest:I have only one regret in the life l have lived. Not practicing a little more patience when l was faced with a lifelong decision during a personal challenging situation.

This conversation, Part 1, continues next week with my mystery guest (not really, having provided some cues) whose identity you will discover at the end of our conversation next week.

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1 comment

Emmanuel July 19, 2024 - 6:04 pm

Beautiful interview


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