I recall a part-time job I had several years ago to supervise the housekeeping department of…
Egi Gaisie is a hospitality trainer blogger, passionate about bridging the gap between hospitality education/training and the hospitality industry in Ghana. She has been in the industry for more than 25 years. Her industry career is enriched by hands-on work in various positions at operational and management levels in the different departments of hotels.
I recall a part-time job I had several years ago to supervise the housekeeping department of…
While celebrating good hotel housekeeping, attention has so far been drawn to unique challenges faced by…
Too often operational hotel housekeeping personnel are not appreciated. Many people underestimate what efforts are required…
Making a good first impression on guests and sustaining it begins with the hotels’leadership. Hotel leadership…
Hotel housekeeping is often mistakenly limited to the cleaning of guestrooms.A few people consider the cleanliness…
The past few days have witnessed many people receiving diverse wishes for 2017; wishes for happiness,…