‘ON SHOW’ – HOSPITALITY & TOURISM EDUCATION & TRAINING – Department of Hospitality Management of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, TTU – Part 2 cont.



My guest, Sharon Asare Freeman, is a 3rd year HND Hospitality Management student. She speaks briefly on her project; the use of sorghum flour for bread. 

HOST: Thank you, Sharon, for agreeing to come on this platform.  The first question I have been posing to your colleagues is to know why you chose to carry out this particular project as a hospitality student.  

Student Sharon: There is lack of knowledge on inexpensive but highly nutritional value food crops in Ghana. There is also the misconception that the price of sorghum being very low, doesn’t have much nutrients in it. However, sorghum is a cash crop which has high nutritional values. It is a very important food crop which contributes a lot to the health of people. 

HOST: I see, so you are wanting to correct a misconception on sorghum. How will the industry benefit from the above project? 

Student Sharon: It would add to the varieties of breads in the market and widen hotel guests’ choice of breads.  

Sorghum is naturally gluten-free, making it a good option if you’re avoiding gluten. 

It also has a lot of health benefits but will like to talk about the health benefits of sorghum in relation to the digestive process. It prevents cramping, bloating, constipation, excess gas and diarrhea. 

HOST: Looks like we must be sensitized to eat healthy… Congratulations and thank you once again for your time. 

We conclude our showcase on Takoradi Technical University next week on the impact of the corona virus pandemic on teaching and learning. Thank you. 

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