Somehow the set of associations I am introducing this week don’t have much issues with taxes, fees and policies as with the travel related, accommodation/lodging and food and beverage associations featured in the previous weeks. However they are appropriately nestled under GHATOF and need her voice! Who are they?

I see at least three factors common to them; educational tourism, domestic tourism and youth. I also see them as clubs and not trade associations (your opinions may differ).

Travel and see…is an adage we all know; it opens the mind and gets people to develop in human values, personal experiences and emotions. Engaging ‘kids’ in tourism activities is laudable but needs to be done right. I remember the horrors parents faced when school excursions turned sour. Are you eager to find out who makes up this group? Try your hand at these short riddles first!


  1. What word starts with `e` ends with `e` and only has one letter in it?
  • You can see me in water, but I never get wet. What am I?
  • The more of them you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?
  • What letter of the alphabet has the most water?
  • What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?        
Logo/Web LinkName of Association  DescriptionMembership Who can Join?Contact NameContact References

TOURISM SOCIETY OF GHANA (TOSOGHAThe association is focused on advocating domestic tourism in all schools from basic to tertiary and in all communities in Ghana.Institutions, Keep fit clubs, schools, corporate bodies, hospitality firms, cultural groups & individuals (Young and old, local or international).Mr Joseph Amartey , Executive DirectorBenjamin Quarshie (National Secretary) WhatsApp: +233276886384 Phone: +233552316957 Email: Twitter:
GHANA ASSOCIATION OF TOURISM STUDENTSA national body of students of tourism, hospitality & related fields in tertiary institutions in Ghana. Aims at helping to sustain tourism development from students’ perspective.  Automatic membership to students of tourism related fields. Other students with shared interest may join.The President-  0545774501THE Executive Secretary-  0558167093 Contacts(phone/email/ active social media platform) EMAIL: GATHSTUDENTS420@GMAIL.COM.
TOURISM AID, GHANAA non-profitable and youth-based tourism organization which aims to innovatively and sustainably promote tourism in Ghana.  Youth enlightened to the exploitation benefits of tourism development
Mr. Michael Appiah Board   Facebook      
PendingKIDS IN TOURISM(KIT)A non-governmental organization that is aimed at promoting culture and tourism among school kids of ages 6 and 14 in Ghana.
PendingNana Akua Afriyie  Chief Executive OfficerFacebook Email Tel. 024 446 9446

Note: Where organizations could not be reached to verify information gathered, the writer relied on the sources (links) indicated below.

Tourism Aid, Ghana – Website and Facebook

Kids in Tourism – Website and Facebook

All other information were received directly from the respective associations named above.

Riddle solutions:

  1. What word starts with `e` ends with `e` and only has one letter in it? ENVELOPE
  2. You can see me in water, but I never get wet. What am I? REFLECTION
  3. The more of them you take, the more you leave behind. What am I? FOOTSTEPS
  4. What letter of the alphabet has the most water? C
  5. What belongs to you but others use it more than you do? YOUR NAME

Thank you.

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